Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Thanksgiving...yes I know this is late!

We had a great Thanksgiving. My sister-in-love and I actually cooked just about everything this year! We were so impressed with Then my family headed over to my mom's family where they were having Thanksgiving and a ton of fun. I haven't seen them in such a long time!!!

So here is a picture of our completed "Thankful Wreath"...
It was wonderful eating with the family and hearing all the wonderful things that we are thankful for in our lives! I will do this again year after year. We are NOT a perfect family, in fact we are far from it, but we do try our best to be a good family:)

Here is a picture of one of our crafts that we made this year...
I had a friend of my son's over for the day and we walked around the lake and did a scavenger hunt. When we returned home this is what they made! I thought they were super cute:)

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