Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy New Year!

I thought I would do this one

New Years Eve is an awesome day for me, because I get to celebrate being married to an awesome man! Okay he isn't always awesome, but neither am I. We have our spats and sometimes we drive each other crazy!?!?! Sometimes we disagree and want different things and sometimes we may not talk to each other for a little minute. But then on the other hand...we can make each other laugh so hard, we encourage each other when we need too, we serve each other, we make a good couple most days. This year will be 12 years! I can't believe that we have been married that long, it's crazy! I love him with all my heart! He is a hard worker and the husband to my two children. He believes in me and loves me. He is a God fearing man who leads his family the way that God intended for him. I am blessed to be his wife.

This is also the time of year that people begin to make New Year Resolutions. Yes...I have a few personal ones and some that aren't so personal that I will share with you...

We always fast in January and I almost can't wait to start this! I love spending time with God and getting to know Him on a much deeper level. Usually this fast last 21 days and then it is over. I plan on trying to devote one day a month to fasting...I don't want it just to be for January. I want to make this a life change to constantly long to be in His presence this way.

I would love to actually read a couple of books too! I have a few that I start and then I get distracted and never pick them back up. If I want my children to have a love of reading then they need to see me reading and what I read counts too!

I plan on not being hurt so easily. I tend to let people hurt me with their words and then I think about it for about a week. I need to learn to let go and that maybe they are not that happy. One such influence in my life is a constant. She likes to knock me down and she does this well. I have allowed this too affect me for way too long ~ so no more! I will try my hardest to let God have it right away. I know this will not happen over night but I have a WHOLE year to accomplish this!

I want to take one day at a time and not stress out about next week! I tend to plan WAY ahead and then I start to stress and then I get all flustered and then I feel like I am going to blow!!! Yes, I know I need to stop doing this and focus on today and only today. This will also take some practice but my husband will be happier too! I know that I need to have plans and not wait to last minute but I don't need to over stress something I can't even take care of today or tomorrow.

Of course I have more but these are the only ones that I am willing to share right now. I may share the others later? we will see. I hope that if you make any resolutions let them be reachable. I think we tend to think I can lose 50 lbs by March 1st and when we fail the first week into the new year then we give up. DON'T GIVE UP! Pray about what God would want for you to change in your life. Seek Him first because He has the perfect plan for you! I hope that you all have an awesome new year and I will hopefully not write until then...See you in 2011!

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