Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Disappointed but Blessed

We have been looking for a house for what seems like forever. We found one that we liked, my husband liked it more than I did, but it was cute and I was ready to make it my home. I had started getting ideas on what to do in each room, how to place the furniture and so on. Then the news hits us that the house that we are trying to buy should have never been placed on market. It comes to our attention that there is a tax lien against the property that he supposedly "didn't know" about.

I was a little crushed because I had seen the house three times already. I liked the laundry room - I constantly wash clothes and so a nice big laundry room would be nice. I liked the big yard and the fireplace, the new carpet, and the plantation blinds. I did not like the bathroom or the closets and there were a few things that needed some updating but that is ok, I guess.

So now we are looking again. We found one house that we like and placed a bid on it as of yesterday. It's a little more modern and I like the openness of the floor plan but now we have a little yard. I can't seem to have both :( .

I decided to get a little curious...I started looking in the city of Auburn. OH MY GOODNESS!!! You should see some of these homes...seriously! I found huge homes on huge fenced in lots! I was extremely impressed. I fell in love with some of the homes that I know the ones that you dream about when you are a little girl. I called my husband and started texting him all these pictures of these beautiful homes. I think I sent him about 7 houses, all sitting on an acre or more. I asked him if that would be too far away to to

I feel like I am having to compromise : big house, small yard or small out-dated house with a huge yard. I wish I could have both...but the only way to get that and actually afford it is to move to Auburn. I know that the Lord has a purpose for me and my life and I know that He has the perfect house for me and my family no matter where it pray for us. I want the Lord to help us find that "perfect" home.

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