PR Friendly...

Family Bio:
I have been married for 17 years coming up this December and I am a stay at home mother of three amazing children. My oldest son just turned 13, my daughter is 4 months, and my youngest son is 2 years old. We love to play together, cook, craft, camp, and laugh. We are also learning to be a little more eco-friendly. I am a baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, homeschooling mama. We love to try all sorts of new things!

Benefits to Companies and Advertisers:
* We are a well rounded family with diverse interests and activities
* We love to try new products
* We are honest and reliable

The focus of my blog is my family, homeschooling, cloth diapering, and eco-friendly related activities and products. I want my blog to be informational, and part record of our family life and all the happenings of my family as we grow. I post reviews, giveaways, crafts, informational posts, humor posts, recipes, and pictures. I want readers to feel at home...pour a cup of coffee and hang out for a minute.

I have done a handful product reviews and giveaways and would love to have the opportunity to do more. I have an active Facebook fan page and twitter account in addition to my blog. I utilize both of these social networking sites to help gain more readers.

Paid Advertising Information and Policies:
Paid advertising is also available. Please email me for current rates.
* No refunds on advertising.
* I reserve the right to refuse any ad based on content of the ad or the product or site being promoted.
* All ads must reflect the values of my blog.
* All ads must be family friendly, no adult sites or products.

Product Review and Giveaway Policies
*Product reviews will only be done when a full size sample is provided.
* Samples will not be returned.
* Negative reviews will not be posted. I do not believe it is beneficial to anyone to post a negative review. If we find that your product does not work for us, I will contact you by email to discuss your product.
* A giveaway can be included with the product review if you choose. You will be responsible for providing the giveaway item. You will be responsible for mailing the giveaway item directly to the winner. I will contact you once the giveaway has ended with the contact information and mailing address of the winner.
* All Reviews will be posted within 30 days of receiving the product.
* You must provide all links, and background or bio information on your company/product if they are not readily available on your website.

Thank you for your interest in my blog. I hope I will have the opportunity to work with you!