Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thansgiving...yes its coming:)

I recently asked my husband if I could host my very own, very first Thanksgiving. He said he would think about it....still I'm on edge because Thanksgiving will be here before you know it!!! I would love to be able to invite our parents (three sets: mine...divorced & remarried, and his), our siblings and their kids, and possibly my grandparents and Aunt. It doesn't look like a lot but I think it totals about 25 with us included!

For years I have left and traveled all day on Thanksgiving and now that I have a home of my own and my children are little I would love to have it here. I would like to be able to open our home to our family and friends that really don't have a place to go on Thanksgiving. I would love to host, because I love being the hostess. Yet, there are other reasons MIL is physically unable to host this year, all though she will be stubborn and try as usual, love her:). My mom has MS and doesn't get around very good lately, right now she has two broke arms, yes both of them! My dad and his wife may want to stay closer to home this year?, so I was going to invite them as well. I am realizing as I get older that our parents are as young as they used to be and they don't get around the way they used to. I just want to honor them this way because I show love by doing things for others.

YET, for the longest time, 13 plus years,  these precious parents secretly don't really get along. My MIL in holding grudges against my dad and stepmother because of how they treated my husband before we were married and even though they have apologized and its been 13 years she still won't let go and forgive. My mother and stepmother have a LOT of history because sometimes people say things in custody battles that should never be said. That happened 25 years ago and I think they get along for the most part or at least they try to for our sake.

I want this so badly and because of all the drama I don't think it's going to happen. Which in turn will break my heart. I don't want to go to someone else's home and cook part of a Thanksgiving feast. I want to cook my own feast in my own home and give them all a chance to relax. If they would like to bring a dish of their favorite item then yes, I would love that. But I really just want them all to enjoy this Thankskgiving.  

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