Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The year is winding down...

I feel like December first came and I blinked celebrated Christmas blinked again and in just a few days it will be January! Holy cow! Where did my year go???

Like I said we just celebrated Christmas. We got together with friends and family and had a great time seeing everyone. I think that kids were spoiled by all sides and for us we still have one more Christmas gathering before the year is done. This was the first year that we focused our children more on Jesus and His birth more than presents. (Before you fret, they did get presents I just didn't want that to be a focal point.) I think that Little Buddy enjoyed it more that way than any other Christmas. We read Luke 2, had a thank you prayer, sang a song and then we continued celebrating our beautiful day with our family.

Then I blinked and we are where we are today.

So now with New Years right around the corner do you set resolutions hoping to make them happen? Hoping that you can make it past the first 2 weeks of January? LOL...yes, I have been in that same boat. I have many a new year resolutions that I have not followed through with as of today. SO let's change this and decide to set some amazing goals...nothing outrageous that could never be accomplished but realistic monthly goals. I have some that I will share with you....

I would love to______________ in 2012!:
learn to sew using my sewing machine
learn sign language
decorate one room in my house the way that I want it (exp. bedroom: new bed, bedding, paint, curtains, etc.)
organize better (buy the items to organize with)

Ok, so there is a couple for me and I feel like those can be actual goals to do before next year. But I would love for my son to set goals to. How do I do that? I found something earlier and I will be sitting down with him later. Here are four questions to ask your child if they are old enough to set goals...

What one place do you want to visit?

What one thing do you really want to do?

What class or skill would you like to take/learn?

If you could help anyone, who would it be?

I think these are amazing goals to have even as an adult. Do you have any others for me to consider? What kind of goals do you wish to set for yourself?

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